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2010 Space Age Industries LLC Increased Sales

When Space Age Industries needed to localize its iPhone applications, the company managers turned to ICanLocalize for the translation work. Our talented professionals localized the following applications:

‘Compound Interest Calculator +’ ( localized into eight languages. )

Compound Interest Calculator + is an award-winning app designed to quickly and easily compute compound interest with variable duration, additions, interest, inflation, and frequency.

‘Gift List +’, which ( localized into four languages. )

Gift list + is the best way to manage your gift lists for holidays, birthdays or any special occasion! Gift List + makes managing your gift lists fun and easy with tons of great features.

Christopher Chapin, one of the companies’ co-founders and director of communications, prepared and submitted the projects for translation. “We had never used a system like this before, by then end of the first week, we already started to see the potential of ICanLocalizes system”. Right away, our professional translators from around the world quickly got to work applying for the project and after one translator was selected for each language, the translations were soon complete and the apps ready to go multilingual!

Our support manager interviewed Christopher Chapin who highlighted that the idea behind ICanLocalize is “Wonderful!”. Regarding the translation system, he said ‘It’s a great system, extremely useful and unbelievably helpful.’ He also mentioned the results have been “A complete success.” and the ICanLocalize system is “The best yet!”. As regards to the translators, he stated, “In my experience, the translators have been extremely knowledgeable, the results are great and any questions were answered quickly.”

ICanLocalize works with a large number of translators from all over the world to meet all our clients needs. Our professionals quickly translate between over 20 languages. As native speakers, and because each of our translators has at least one degree in translation, the translators can achieve the absolute best translation possible.

In all, Christopher told us. “Our translations were a complete success, and international sales have been better than we anticipated. We will definitely translate all our future projects with iCanLocalize and encourage other companies thinking of broadening their market to start translating today.”

Christopher Chapin

Space Age Industries, LLC.