Italian to English translators

ICanLocalize lets you hire professional Italian to English translators. Our translators will help you translate documents, websites and mobile apps. We use advanced editing tools that allow us to work faster, deliver superior results and charge less.

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Salve, sono un traduttore madrelingua Inglese (ma perfettamente bilingue Ita-Ing) nato a Roma, dove vivo tuttora. Ho vissuto a Toronto, Canada per 18 anni dove mi sono laureato. Ho lavorato per il governo Canadese e Britannico prima di dedicarmi alla traduzione. Sono Perito Traduttore registrato al tribunale Civile e Penale di Roma dal 1990. Collaboro con Icanlocalize dal 2010...

  1. English proofreading
  2. Italian to English



United Kingdom

I am a native English freelance translator, interpreter and annotator. I have a BA Hons in French (Newcastle University) and a European Master's in Translation (Durham University). I have lived in Sardinia since 2000, apart from my four years of study. I am a passionate linguist and a grammar and spelling pedant! I cover a range of subjects, including restaurants/hotels, tourism, sports, fashion, photography, personal blogs/websites, geography, official certificates/deeds...

  1. French to English
  2. Italian to English



United Kingdom

Thank you for your attention to my profile! I am a 2011 graduate of University of Glasgow with an M.A. Hons degree in French and Italian (2:1).
I excelled in my Honours Translation Methodology course, receiving the highest grades in the class.
Translation experience is diversified from websites to literary translation.

  1. French to English
  2. Italian to English



United Kingdom

I am a dedicated, qualified and experienced freelance translator providing translation services from French, Italian and Romanian into English.
Having gained a Post Graduate Diploma in translation and an earlier BA(Hons) French & Italian, and with several years of experience in a vast range of subject fields, I know what is important to be able to address your individual requirement, to carry it out accurately and professionally, and to provide you with a perfect translation.

  1. French to English
  2. Italian to English
  3. Romanian to English
