Top Professional Translators in ICanLocalize
Monika KCzech Republic |
Native Czech, 14 years experience in translating and localization, MA in English, MA in Czech, CELTA and CPE in English, state examinations in English. Precision and delivery on time guaranteed. |
sndey85India |
I am a professional Bengali Linguist,I provide professional translation and proofreading service in almost all domains. |
sandarMyanmar |
I am a Burmese linguist with a bachelor degree in Computer Science. I am collaborating with a lot of language solution companies by providing English-Burmese language pair for different types of projects such as Localization (WeChat, E-Guru, mmSpeaker, Site Pyo, Red Cross, etc.), Press Release and other translation projects for various industries (Advertising and Marketing, Agriculture, Education, Engineering, Electronics and Home Appliance, Food and Catering, Software and IT, Tourism, etc). |
Leo from LatviaLatvia |
High Quality Translations: English -- Latvian -- Russian |
senubeSweden |
LParsaulianIndonesia |
Since 2010, I have worked as a freelance translator for publishers (e.g. EGC Medical Publisher Indonesia) as well as translation agencies: TransLingua, Moravia RWS, United Language Group, etc. I have a MSc degree in Molecular Biology, BSc degree in Pharmacy, and a pharmacist professional diploma. I am also a full member of Association of Indonesian Translators. Currently, I am studying to get my ASc degree in Computer Science. As for TM tools, I use MemoQ, Across, SmartCAT, etc. |
KateeGermany |
born and grew up in Odessa, Ukraine |
Wing74Slovakia |
I am a translator for the languages English, German, Czech and Slovak with over 10-years experience in various fields. I would like to offer my translation services and my gained education in this area. In case of your interest I would be pleased to cooperate with you. Thank you. |
LizzieGUnited Kingdom |
Thank you for your attention to my profile! I am a 2011 graduate of University of Glasgow with an M.A. Hons degree in French and Italian (2:1).
apolaurRomania |
I work in the translation field since 2000. |
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