English to Dutch translators
ICanLocalize lets you hire professional English to Dutch translators. Our translators will help you translate documents, websites and mobile apps. We use advanced editing tools that allow us to work faster, deliver superior results and charge less.
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Peter VanQuickNetherlands |
"Translating is not about knowing the words, but about knowing the right words and the right tone. These cannot be found in a dictionary."
ineke meijerNetherlands |
I am a translator as well as a lawyer. I translate legal, medical, cultural, fashion, software, business, marketing and educational texts as well as general texts. I have also translated several texts, a book and a diary for European political organizations. |
jvercamerBelgium |
Born and raised as a native Dutch speaker. I graduated as master in translation (English and German) and I do translation work as well as proofreading. |
MenasmolNetherlands |
Full-time native professional translator Eng-Spanish, Eng-Dutch, Spanish-Dutch, Dutch-Spanish since 2011. Used to work w/ deadlines, urgent projects, follow style guides. Possibility to work during the weekends. Apps (CREATE, Mapfre, Facely HD, LED Flashlight, NewBlue, Pocket List...), Games (Online Soccer Manager, WC Table Tennis...), Websites (booking.com, Bershka, Zara, Seat, Brokersclub...), Marketing, Tourism, Culinary, Automotive, Technical Translations. iPhone-Android. |
RedCrowNetherlands |
At Radio Netherlands Worldwide I gained extensive experience as an editor and translator. My work consisted for the most part of translating Dutch language news reports and articles about the Netherlands into English. As a result I have become a hyper-critical reader with a strong feel for both the Dutch and English languages and an extensive knowledge of Dutch society. I am a customer-oriented perfectionist: any translation I do is checked by either a native speaker of Dutch or English. |
monalisaBelgium |
Fast,all-round, thorough, no nine-to-five mentality. Strong in medical translations, construction, literature, cooking and psychology. |
Arjan KwakkenbosNetherlands |
Dutch speaking translator/copywriter with specialisation in marketing/touristic/general medical texts in French, English and Italian. Supplementary courses SEO copywriting and social media. |
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