

Recommendations by clients: 94


Thank you for viewing this page! Perekladach (a.k.a. Sergei) is happy to offer you the following benefits: 1) Context-sensitive translation (your app installed on his devices or your website carefully reviewed) 2) Text fit for your UI (Russian is 30% longer than English) 3) Your content truly localized (e.g. ounces converted into grams) 4) Your app description reworked to meet the Apple/Google limit. Quality verified by 80+ positive feedbacks. Check his Profile for more exciting details.

  1. English to Russian
  2. English to Ukrainian
  3. Russian proofreading
  4. Russian to Ukrainian
  5. Ukrainian to Russian
  6. Ukrainian proofreading

To create a project for Perekladach, you need to have an account at ICanLocalize. It's free and only takes a minute.

1 Go to the account setup page and create your account..

2 Set up a project.

3 You can look up Perekladach using this profile page (requires logging in) - Perekladach's profile.

4 Invite Perekladach to do your project.

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